Workshop: Construction of a System, in the field of IoT, oriented its application in the field of energy efficiency.

Due to the high demand for the first edition of the component programming course, the IGAPE, in collaboration with the ICT Cluster Galicia, has decided to organize a second edition.

Due to the high demand for the first edition of the component programming course, IGAPE, in collaboration with the ICT Cluster Galicia, has decided to organize a second edition.
This time the approach of the course will be in workshop format to give an even more practical approach and will take place between July 13 and July 24 at the CNTG facilities. Those interested can register on the following form.

Dates of interest

  • Registration and test of access: from July 1º to July 7º, 2015 until 2:00 p.m.
  • Publication of lists:
    • Publication of the court note and provisional list of selected and reservations: July 8, 2015
    • Permanent List: July 10, 2015
  • Course start: July 13, 2015
  • Course development and duration: 2 continuous weeks from July 13 to July 24 inclusive, from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. h

For more information, you can consult the the official website of the project or send an email to

Rúa Pilar Miró n 6 Santiago de Compostela

Jersey St , Manchester, Greater Manchester M4 6JG, GB

T. 609 538 171 - 634 59 34 43